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Semperfli Straggle String Micro Chenille

Availability: In stock

Not all micro cheilles are the same! Semperfli Straggle String is a micro fine chenille available in an amazing range of colors perfect for thoraxes, micro legging of the tiniest of flies. Use by Hans van Klinken as a replacement for peacock herl as it is cites registered Straggle String is a product that has been used for many years by fly tyers world-wide. What do we mean by micro chenille? Straggle String is made of just 2 cores with a superb UV which looks like legs or adds that edge to thoraxes and legs on flies, from dries to wets and shrimps or bugs. As a substitute for peacock Straggle String can be used on Intruders, Salmon or Sea Trout flies equally well. 

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